Monday, October 28, 2013


Logan Favalla, 2,  plays at the Miracle Playground at Brooks City-Base with his two other cousins, watched by their grandparents on Oct. 28 at 3125 Sidney Brooks, northeast of Brooks City-Base campus.


  1. I like the action on the kid, it looks like he's ready to run. I also like the angel that you used, the view of looking through the chains.

  2. Referring to Diana I really like the action you captured with the child, and having the background blurred but with the chains that are in front of him still somewhat in focus as well. Good job!

  3. I love the action. His face was priceless you can tell he was having a great time and you captured that. Maybe zoom out a little so you didn't cut off his foot and maybe see the play ground just a little more. Other than that its a great shot.
