Monday, November 11, 2013

Espino_Mesquite Assignment #2

Mesquite Assignment #2

1. What kind of of photo did I expected from the assignment?
I was hopping to get pictures of people getting their make-up done, people in different costumes, and the people walking like zombies during the walk.     

2. What worked?
I looked for someone doing make-up on the spot, and I found a local business doing professional make-up. 

3. What did not worked?
THE FLASH!!!!!!!!! I don't have a lot of experience with flash (on any experience for that matter), so I definitely had an issue with that. 

4. What could have been better?
Knowing more about flash and getting more people's names. 

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the Zombie Walk photo. I liked the way it showed how many people were at the event.
