1. What kind of photos did I expected from the assignment?
It was noon and Jacob told us the mayor was coming to Brook City-Base at 2 p.m. and we needed a photographer. I expected the event to take place out in the open, not in a tent.
2. What worked?
It was dark in the tent, but not dark enough to not get good lighting. I just bumped up my ISO to 800-1600 with 1/80 and 5.6 settings.
3. What did not worked?
When I checked out a lens, I thought I checked out the 18-135mm. I actually had the 75-300mm which made it hard to get a full shot of all the speakers on the stage. Even though I was standing in the back, at the edge of the tent, I still wasn't able to get a full shot. I couldn't back up due to the number of people crowding the back.
4. What could have been better?
If I had a wide angle lens, if the event wasn't in a tent or if I had a flash, I would have possibly shot a better photo.
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