Mesquite Assignment #7
This was one of the pictures NOT in the "Photos for Ashleigh" folder. :(
1. What kind of of photo did I
expected from the assignment?
Since we were allowed to go outside of campus for this feature assignment, I was looking for something fun to take a picture.
2. What worked?
Kids a cute and spontaneous, and I had permission form their parents to take their pictures. That added freedom to take as many pictures as I needed.
3. What did not worked?
The little boy was looking at me to much, I had a hard time with him posing for pictures.
4. What could have been better?
Great photo! I like the way your settings worked for you. I like all of the elements on the photos, the playground, the kids in the background, and the tree in the background. However I do agree that it would have been better if the boy wasn't posing too much but other than that good photo.