Monday, December 16, 2013


Archaeologist Alex Mcbride flips a sifter after sifting through soil at San Pedro Park Monday morning. Mcbride, an employee for the Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio, searches for artifacts dating back to the 1700s. The park used to be the home of Mission San Antonio de Valero, until a hurricane destroyed the building and was rebuilt into what is now known as The Alamo. Mcbride said they've found arrowheads, broken ceramics and mammoth bones. The park is located on San Pedro Ave. and is open everyday from 5 a.m.-11 p.m. 

Archaeologist Alex Mcbride pours soil in a sifter at San Pedro Park Monday morning, in search of artifacts. For the past two weeks, the Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio have been searching for artifacts throughout the park, what used to be known as Mission San Antonio de Valero in the 1700s. After a hurricane destroyed the mission, it was rebuilt and renamed, The Alamo. The park is located on San Pedro Ave. and is open everyday from 5 a.m.-11 p.m. 

Monday, December 9, 2013


Juan Barda, business administration graduate student, is studying for his management science final 6 p.m. that day on Dec. 9 in Room 135 at Brooks. He said the quietness of campus help him concentrate and stay on time with each problem he reviews. Final exams are Dec. 9-Dec. 14.       

Juan Barda, business administration graduate student, is studying for his management science final 6 p.m. that day on Dec. 9 in Room 135 at Brooks. “I need a board for these type of problems, they don’t fit on regular paper…by the time I get to the end I am already on my second page,” he said. Final exams week is Dec. 9-Dec. 14.       


Gunnar Newman Lt. Colonel for the U.S. Army prepares himself for finals by studying at break room at Brooks. He will be studying most of the day as his final will be a very important part of his grade.

Lt. Colonel Newman counseling mental health graduate student studies at break room at Brooks. Gunnar is currently getting his education paid through his G.I. Bill. The break room is available for all students and also provides microwave for heating food, water fountain, and restroom facilities.


Business managment junior Jessica Allstott is working on the finishing touches to her presentation due tonight for Human Resources at the open access lab in Room C 200-C206 at Texas A&M-San Antonio Brooks-City Base campus. 

Business managment junior Jessica Allstott is working on the finishing touches to her presentation due tonight for Human Resources at the open access lab in Room C 200-C206 at Texas A&M-San Antonio Brooks-City Base campus. 


Tammy Woodward, Texas A&M University San Antonio business librarian, answers students questions about inquiries on research for business classes. Woodward has office hours Monday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and located in the Brooks City-Base Campus at the Student Service Center. 

Tammy Woodward, Texas A&M University San Antonio business librarian, prepares for her library instruction class for business students. She teaches business students where they can find the resources available online, and how to research business companies. 


Kinesiology senior Krystal Bernal studies for her medical terminology final in the Welcome Center at Brooks campus. The Welcome Center hours will continue throughout finals and will close December 21, 2013 and reopen January 2, 2014.

Kinesiology senior Krystal Bernal studies for her medical terminology final that will take place at 11 a.m. December 7, 2013 at Main Campus. The Welcome Center hours at Brooks campus will continue throughout finals and will close December 21, 2013 and reopen January 2, 2014.

De La O_Final Exam

Accounting senior Ed Rios, works on his accounting information system project for his Accounting Information System at Texas A&M San Antonio Brooks City Base Campus on Dec. 9.

Texas A&M-San Antonio classes will be done this week from Dec. 9 through Dec. 13. Both Texas A&M San Antonio campuses will be open until Dec. 20. 

Jimenez-Photography Final Assignment

Monica Aguilar, of GCA, which is a contracted company hired by the university cleans the women's restroom at The Brooks City Base Campus during finals week.

MesquiteAssignment10#_De La O (Not Published/Accredited)

1.) What kind of photos did I expect from the assignment? 
I expected more tutors to be there, and i am actually doing an editorial on the lack of resources. So by doing this assignment i was able to find out more information about that. 

2.) What worked?
That i was able to get clear shots overall.

3.) What did not work? 
It was that the tutoring lab was empty. I was only able to get the subject's information, and there were no students in there being helped either. So it was difficult making something out of nothing. 

4.) What could have been better? 
If there were more interaction of the tutors helping the students. There were some students even waiting there for a tutor to come there way. Like i said i had to make this shot interesting as possible. 

MesquiteAssignment9#_De La O (Not Published/Accredited)

1.) What kind of photos did I expect from the assignment? 
I did not expect to find a lot of action within the picture, but i did expect for at least something to be placed in the box. 
2.) What worked?
That i was able to get clear shots overall.

3.) What did not work? 
I thought this shoot went well after all, the only thing that i could capture were cans in a box. 
4.) What could have been better? 
I think i could have captured a person actually putting the cans into the box. It would have been more interaction. 

Mesquite Assignment 8#_De La O (Not Published/Accredited)

1.) What kind of photos did I expect from the assignment? 
I expected some people to be studying, but what i did not expect was capturing a study group. So i was happy with that. 
2.) What worked?
That i was able to get good credentials 

3.) What did not work? 
I tried focusing on the whole group, but i had trouble capturing all of them. There were things on the table that were in the way and disturbing the caption. 
4.) What could have been better? 
I wish i could have taking pictures from more angles, or at least more action of them talking. 

Mesquite 7#_De La O (Not Published Yet/Accredited)

1.) What kind of photos did I expect from the assignment? 
I expected more action, and there was only so much that i could capture. 
2.) What worked?
That i was able to get clear shots overall.
3.) What did not work? 
I think i put my ISO too high, so the majority of my pictures came out with a nuclear background. I also wish i could have changed my shutter speed as well, it was too high so some of my other pictures came out dark. 
4.) What could have been better? 
I wish i could have been more prepared for it, and ask more questions about who were portraying the scenes. And that caused me to get less credentials of the people. 

Mesquite Assignment6#_De La O (Not Published Yet/Accredited)

1.) What kind of photos did I expect from the assignment? 
I did not expect much because there was no way of me crossing the fence and receiving a closer look. Yet i did expect to get some part of the main foundation of the building. 

2.) What worked?
That i was able to get a good look at the way the building is coming along in the process. 

3.) What did not work? 
I feel like the fence was in the way, and it seems disturbing to the capture of the building. I wish i was taller :/
4.) What could have been better? 
If i could have a closer look, but with all the construction going on there was no way. I also wish i could have seem some interaction with the contractors working on the building. 

(Will be) Mesquite Assignment9_Luna

1. What worked? I liked the figures of the people in the foreground, and the lights the cars are making.
2. What didn't work? The fact that it was already dark, I feel like there was a loss of detail in the photo.
3. What have you learned? To shoot earlier.
4. What would you have done differently? I wouldve shot earlier and tried to straighten my camera so the photo wouldn't come out crooked.

MesquiteAssignment5#_De La O (Not Published Yet/Accredited)

 1.) What kind of photos did I expect from the assignment? 
I expected the subject to act natural while i was taking the photos, but he seemed tensed.  I thought i could capture more action as well. 
2.) What worked?
That i was able to capture clear shots.

3.) What did not work? 
The thing that did not work was making him feel more comfortable rather than just shooting photos, and then telling him it was for the mesquite. 

4.) What could have been better? 
I think i could have approached him better, and that there could have been more involvement with decorating the bookstore for Christmas. I feel that would have been better. 


Vigil site for 17-year-old South Side Mother Megan Hernandez on Dec. 5 Family and classmates left photographs, candles, flowers, and stuffed animals at the site to show their respect. Photo by Sandra Casarrubias

Classmates visit a vigil site for 17-year-old Megan Hernandez who was stabbed to death Tuesday at a bus stop. An ex-boyfriend has been charged with her killing. Megan's classmates fixed the site and took a moment to remember their beloved friend. Photo by Sandra Casarrubias

1. What kind of photo did I expect from thin assignment?  I expected candid photos that represented sorrow and at the same time love for the loss of their friends.
2. What worked? What worked for me was that I had the chance to capture a lonely photo with just the stuff friends, family, and classmates brought to the vigil site to show their love; and I 3. was also able to capture a lively photo that showed love, support, and emotions.
3. What didn’t work? What didn’t work I believe is that although I capture some emotion I could have gotten an actual sad face but the emotions were up and down and I just didn’t get the right moment I guess.
4. What would you have done better? I could have just taken multiple photos but I guess I was so focus on capturing their actions that I did not think too much on facial expressions.