Monday, December 9, 2013

Jimenez-Photography Final Assignment

Monica Aguilar, of GCA, which is a contracted company hired by the university cleans the women's restroom at The Brooks City Base Campus during finals week.


  1. Good feature photo! I would suggest to use a different shutter speed to get the photo in motion rather than blurry.

  2. I like the first photo a lot, and how you captured the movement of the duster. Good job :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Play arround with your shutter speed, there is movement but you can still capture it without blur. About your cutline, Explain what GCA is and maybe a litlle more about her. I always try to include a quote from my subject.

  5. I thought the blur was a great aspect of the first photo because it shows motion. I don't think you needed a different shutter speed. For the second photo, I think you could of moved the camera lower to get more of the trash can in the photo.
