Sunday, December 8, 2013

Espino_Mesquite Assignment #9 (to be published 12/09)

Mesquite Assignment #9 

Note: these photos were going to be published last Thursday, but Moore forgot to edit the cutlines. They will be going up on Monday 12/9.

1. What kind of of photo did I expected from the assignment?
When we talked about it, you said to get one with peoples reaction when all the lights were turned on, needless to say there was NO reaction since the lights at my house look better. I would say that 3/4 of all the lights were already on, the ones we were waiting for were the ones on the actual building. So I concentrated on getting people enjoying the surroundings and the sweetbread with hot chocolate. 

2. What worked?
There was a lot of people and lots of action. I was able to get people getting parties and some taking pictures with Santa.   

3. What did not worked?
Dr. Farrier makes "faces" when she is talking, so 9 out 10 photos she came out weird. Also, like I said, no reaction from people since the lights were not such a surprise after all. 

4. What could have been better?
If they could have waited and turn on all the lights at once, not just the building. 
President Maria Hernandez Ferrier and a freelance Santa Claus, singing christmas carols along with University Voices Choral Group and guest, Dec. 2 during The Lights of Esperanza (lights of hope) event at the west lawn of Main Campus. Approximately 20,500 LED lights by Elite Lighting Designs, were used to decorate the building, light poles, and the outside christmas tree. The lights will be displayed until the beginning of 2014. 

Dr. Jo Ann P. Gonzalez, director of recruitment and outreach, serves hot chocolate to Veronica Villegas, teacher certification program graduate student, Dec. 2 during The Lights of Esperanza (lights of hope) event at the west lawn of Main Campus. "Nothing like hot chocolate to ease the stress of finals," Villegas said. The event was open to students, faculty, staff, and their families. Along with hot chocolate, guest enjoyed pastries and the opportunity to take photographs with Santa Claus.

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