Monday, September 9, 2013

Class Assignment 1#: Alyssa De La O

 Umbrella Plant
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/4
F-Stop: 20
 Segoe Plant
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/2.5
F-Stop: 22
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/60
F-Stop: 5


  1. I really like the way the Umbrella Plant was shot, nice and clear then distorted around the edges. Good effect!

  2. Good job:) When you take a portrait use the camera vertically and have him turn towards you a bit more, just his body. Also, try a higher ISO, he looks a bit dark and we know he is not LOL.
    Your umbrella plant has a nice effect, I like it:)

  3. You did a great job! The umbrella plant looks awesome! I see that comparing my photo to your slowing down the shutter speed creates more movement in the photo. Zack looks awesome, but I think if he tilted his head a bit up you can see his amazing blue eyes more!
