Thursday, September 19, 2013

Image Deconstructed_Luna, Jennifer

What first drew me to this photo was how this child was photographed alone, with dim lighting, this must mean he's going through some kind of hardship, especially because the bed has no sheets. His face shows an expression of relief, and his body composition is spread out on the bed, so even though despite his struggle he looks content, which gives me the message he may not have slept or laid on a bed in awhile.

I feel like children should not be exposed to that kind of hardship, but I know realistically it doesn't always happen that way.  The photo made me feel sad to know the child, Jack is one of so many children going through these hardships everyday.

When I read the caption to this photo, I learned his mother moved to Seattle with the hopes of getting a job during the recession. Without luck, the mother and her two sons moved to a tent city before they were able to move to a room in University District. While it was a small progression, three people living in one room is much better than people living in a tent. This photo reminds me to always be appreciative of everything you have, no matter how much.


  1. Great Picture! I like how the picture describes the hardships the family was going through. The lighting and the color effect also adds a more gloomy and depressing feel to the picture.

  2. This picture is eye catching. You picked a really good one because the picture is so strong that is very self-explanatory. The light also worked perfectly to emphasize the message. This is one of those pictures that do not need too many elements in it just the right setting; great job!

  3. I like this picture. I like how it has a dark theme to it, and the bluish colors from the bed adds a lot of depth to it. It blends in well with the black on the outer part of the frame.
