Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shadow Assignment_Ramirez

For my shadowing assignment I followed photographer Alison Wadley. Along with another classmate, we drove to main campus to shoot photos for the Mesquite. The photos were for an advance on Banned Books Week. The library is hosting a read aloud event for the week-long celebration of freedom to read. The campaign also raises awareness on the problem of censorship on books that are removed or challenged in libraries and schools across the United States.
When we arrived to the library there was a display of books on a shelve wrapped around with caution tape. The books displayed,  are books that have been challenged at the university library. However, students are still aloud to check out the books throughout the semester.
As we shadowed Alison, she would explain the reason for shooting in different angles. She told us because of the lighting in the library to shoot around 800 ISO. She was very descriptive when explaining the ISO and shutter spent to shoot with.
Overall, my experience shadowing Alison was a great opportunity. The shadowing provided me with preparation when I go out on my own shoot. It’s always important to get the write ISO for lighting and the correct shutter speed to take a photo. 


  1. These are really good pictures. Your ISO was great and it reflected in the quality of the photo. The light on the second picture is really good and the description of your assignment was detailed enough. Good job!

  2. These are great pics. I like the second one, it really emphasized on the shadowing of the photographer. I like the exposure as well, it was right on clear! Awesome job! :)
