Monday, September 23, 2013

Monkey Assigment - Casarrubias

ISO: 400
Shutter Speed: 1/500
F-Stop: 16

ISO: 400
Shutter Speed: 1/250
F-Stop: 16

The hardest part of this assignment was that my camera was not shooting. I believe that the fact that my camera is different from everybody's doesn't help much. Once the tree was in the background the camera work.


  1. I like your 500 photo, I like how you capture the tree with sky behind it. The only thing is the is not in frame, mine was not either ahaha, I was worrying about everything else except for having the monkey into frame.
    Your 250 is missing the sky (lol). It looks good except for not having the sky.

  2. Good job on capturing the monkey when it was in the air with the tree behind it. The shutter speed was easier to shoot at 1/500. I had trouble with the monkey in the air on the lower shutter speed as well.

    "Practice makes perfect!"
