Monday, September 23, 2013


ISO: 400
F-Stop: 20
Shutter: 1/250 

ISO: 400
F-Stop: 13
Shutter: 1/500

What was hard about the assignment?

The hard part about this assignment was trying to zoom in and out with a 18-55mm lens. 


  1. Your first picture is perfect! The ISO and shutter speed worked great. Also good job at not getting anything other than the sky on the picture and the fact that the full monkey is on the picture makes it even better.

  2. Great pictures. I really like the second picture, you got enough tree and the monkey is in great action.

  3. I like the both, they capture exactly what the assignment ordered. I should have changed my F-Stop to 13 on the 500 as well. I think it would have looked better. But otherwise kudos on the pics. Good Job! :)
